Building a Tiny House In Mississippi

Building a Tiny House In Mississippi

It is a fact that the Mississippi Delta is an area of extreme poverty. In fact, in 2012, the nation ranked the area as one of the most impoverished.

This has caused many people to leave the area and move to places with better employment opportunities.

However, suppose you want to build a tiny house in Mississippi. In that case, this is actually not as difficult as you think. In fact, it can be a great way to enjoy life and live more frugally while still enjoying your home.

5 Reasons for Building a Tiny House in Mississippi

Reason #1: The Cost of Living Is Extremely Low!

In comparison with other states, Mississippi is one of the cheapest states. This makes it easier for people who want to live simply and who want a low cost of living to build their tiny houses here.

Reason #2: A Huge, Underutilized Free Land Resource!

As mentioned above, the Mississippi Delta is an area of extreme poverty. This means that many people want to move away from the site and try to build a tiny house somewhere else.

However, in Mississippi, there is a vast amount of free land available which can be used for building a tiny house. In addition, it is possible to find entire lots that are unused and not currently being used for anything else.

If you live in one of these cities: Bay St Louis (a great location on Lake Maurepas), Biloxi (the beach!), Gulfport (the beaches!), Hattiesburg (the city), or Pascagoula (inlet city), then you will have plenty of space for your tiny house, and this can make it much easier to build your tiny home here.

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Reason #3: The Buildings Are Cheap!

In most parts of the country, you would have to pay thousands of dollars for land if you wanted to build a tiny house. However, in Mississippi, you can find lots of land for very little money.

Reason #4: The City Council Is Helpful!

In most states, the laws regarding tiny houses are pretty complicated, and many restrictions make it challenging to build a small house.

However, in Mississippi, the laws regarding tiny houses are much more straightforward. There are no unique building codes that make it challenging to build a small house.

Reason #5: The State Government Is Helpful!

In most states, the state government is against tiny houses. However, in Mississippi, the state government supports tiny houses. It has even passed laws to help make it easier for people to build their tiny homes.

These are the 5 reasons you should have a tiny house in Mississippi. In fact, if you want to live more simply and more frugally, then this is an excellent place to do so!

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