Tiny-Project House Company Plans Review and Tiny builder reviews


Tiny house life is now becoming a thing; and Alek Lisefski, the creator of tiny-project house company, is at the forefront of this lifestyle trend. As you might already know by now, tiny house living is a lifestyle revolution in which people are making being in a tiny “house on wheels” an acceptable and desirable way to lead a life.

This form of living promotes sustainability in addition to giving the dweller the choice to take the house whenever they feel like. Some are sold on the minimalist ideals of this kind of life, the low cost involved in setting it up, and the exotic off-grid living it offers. Others find it fun and liberating to live in a tiny house since it lets them travel whenever they feel like.

More About Tiny-Project House Company

After trying out tiny house living and loving it, Alek went on to master a few tricks that have made his advice in the field invaluable for anybody seeking to make the best of this form of living. He built his tiny house on wheels way back in 2013, and he has never looked back ever since. What he offers through his website, Tiny-Project.com, is the hands-on experience he has gained through his experience.

So, it should come as no surprise that Tiny-Project House Company has attracted the attention of both tiny house fanatics and more than half a dozen experts in the field. This is because, in addition to offering expert advice on how to set up a basic tiny house with a trailer as your foundation, the creator of this program goes on to explain how you can make the house a lot more self-sufficient by including plumbing and home appliances so that your tiny house truly becomes a home. Not that these things matter to all tiny house fans, but for anyone seeking to go all out when constructing a tiny house, Tiny-Project House Company is the place to be.

Tiny-Project House Company Products

The company has made a name for itself by selling tiny house products to any would-be buyers. The main offerings consist of Full Construction Plans as well as PDF construction plans and a SketchUP File. You can also buy a Photo Book and Tiny House eBooks and Guides from the main site. The company also recommends certain products you can purchase off the site. They include common tools such as gloves, drills, and hammers.

Pros of Tiny-Project House Company Products

1. Besides the main offering of the construction plans and the SketchUp file, you will also get other important products at Tiny-Project house company. For instance, you can get a photo book for $26.99 (soft cover version). The PDF version is goes for just $7.99. This is not just an ordinary photo book, but rather a collection of images with about 200 photos showing the process of constructing a tiny house from start to finish.

The book should give you a very realistic feel of how constructing a tiny house is like, and you should be able to pick up more than a few construction tips to help you as you set up your own tiny house. The photos cover the process of insulating your tiny house, flooring, setting up the electrical connection and pipes, installing windows, and over a dozen other tiny house construction processes.

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2. Unlike many other websites advancing the field of tiny house living, Tiny-Project House Company offers highly-detailed floor plans that you can use to construct your own house. In the main construction plan, you will learn everything you could ever imagine about making a tiny house, including making of windows and doors, installing fixtures, and making other finishings in order to make your tiny house a little more trendy and personalized.

3. The plans this company sells work! This is a lot more than can be said for most other tiny house plans you can get freely out there. Those who have already used the construction plans this company offers have nothing but good things to say about them.

4. By purchasing the plans offered by this company, you will be able to make lots of savings as you try to make a great tiny house. Thanks to hours of research, and several months of real-life experience in tiny house construction and living, what Tiny-Project House Company offers will result in significantly higher time and cost savings in the long run. Rather than make expensive mistakes by purchasing the wrong fittings or unnecessary construction supplies, you will hit the ground running when using the advice being offered at Tiny-Project house company.

5. Nothing is left to chance with Tiny-Project housing plans. Whether you are trying to set up a stripped down tiny house to spend part of your time in while enjoying the outdoors, or trying to set up a tiny house that will serve as your fully furnished mobile home, this company’s products have every bit of information you need to make this a reality.

6.The tiny house building plans have been drawn with the help of an expert to ensure that they are completely reliable to their users. The benefit of this approach is self-evident to anyone who sees the construction plans. If the creator of this company had chosen to do this on his own, he would have probably struggled with some important design aspects, which would have made the plans less reliable.

7. In comparison with the competition, Tiny-Project plans offer a very good value for money proposition. Despite the high level of details these plans involve, they are also quite favorably priced when compared to whatever else is out there.

8. Even after you buy products from Tiny-Project company, you will get all the help you could ever need when using them. Alek offers support through email. The advice is professional and offered in a very timely manner so that you will make the best of the plans you have purchased. In fact, Alek even invites would-be buyers to ask as many questions about the program as possible before making a purchase. As a discerning buyer, this should obviously come in handy in determining whether the program is suitable for you or not depending on your construction needs.

9. The construction plan offered on tiny-project.com is available as a downloadable digital product. This means that as soon as you make your purchase, you will be able to get your hands on the plans right away and you can start using them to make your tiny house.

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10. You will love how well organized these tiny house construction plans are. Everything comes in simple easy to follow steps so that you will know precisely what to do and what result to expect before proceeding to the next construction stage. Some tiny house construction plans out there are usually very confusing.

11. The Tiny-Project house company floor plans come in thoughtful 3D designs which should make realizing your dream tiny house a lot easier and also fun. This is not a privilege you can expect to enjoy with most other tiny house construction plans. More importantly, with 3D designs, replicating the construction results is a lot easier because you can see precisely how the object you are constructing will look like by the time you are finished.

12. The housing designs being offered here take into consideration that you might need to make a few adjustments to your own tiny house to give it a personal touch or suit it to the resources you have at hand. Therefore, with the Google SketchUp file, you will be able to alter your construction as desired so that you achieve the result you truly had in mind when you began. You do not have to confine yourself to any predefined construction plan, which is usually a major setback for users of tiny house construction plans.

13. With this tiny house company, you will get lots of great perks to go with your purchase. For one, once your tiny house is complete, you can look out for updates on the blog and learn where new parking has come up, or where to attend workshops and meet other like-minded people in your quest to pursue this interesting lifestyle.

14. Sometimes, the plans and guides on tiny house living on tiny-project.com are available for a deep discount for a limited amount of time. For instance, the 31 Tiny Living Plans & Guides, typically worth nearly $600, can be available for just $49! This is quite a steal considering the quality you will be getting by purchasing products being offered by this reputable tiny house company.

Cons of Tiny-Project House Company

1. The Tiny House Floor Plans are a little pricey. This particular program, which consists of the construction PDF and a Google SketchUp file, goes for $250, which can be quite an investment for someone opting for tiny house living for its cost-saving benefits. The Tiny House Floor Plans alone, which consists of a PDF only, goes for $200.

On the bright side, as mentioned earlier, any purchase you make at Tiny-Project will be a worthwhile purchase. But it is advisable that you get the full package so that you get the editable SketchUp file so that the plan fits to your tiny house construction needs, and not the other way round. On its own, the Tiny Project SketchUp File goes for $75, which means you make a 25-dollar saving by getting the bundled product.

2. Unfortunately, even if you are a DIY enthusiast, without some bit of construction knowledge, the plans might not let you indulge your passion for setting up things yourself. Some basic construction knowledge is required to make the trailer using the plans available at Tiny-Project house company.

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This means the help of a construction expert might be necessary to make your tiny house using the plans offered at this company. In fact, the creator of the Tiny-Project construction plans recommends reading a more rudimentary construction guide prior to using the company’s plans in order to ensure better success.

3. The program does not come with a money back guarantee. Once you make your purchase, that’s it. On the plus side, you can ask as many questions about the program as possible before making a purchase so that you will know precisely what you are paying for. So, if you know what you want, and ask questions that help you determine whether Tiny-Project construction plans are for you, you will should not have a problem making the right call with the final purchase decision.

Why Tiny-Project Is Worth Your Time

With this company, it is not just about selling your construction plans and other products, you will also get to learn more about the tiny house lifestyle. In fact, the FAQ section on this company’s website goes into great depth about what tiny house living is all about. So, if this is an idea you have entertained, and are seriously considering pursuing you will greatly appreciate the information this site has to offer.

For instance, any question on why anyone would opt for this kind of life will be addressed comprehensively. There are dozens of other issues you will learn about tiny house living while on tiny-project.com, and they include issues like insurance, where to pack your house, the cost implications of such ventures, the ideal measures to work with, what appliances to use, and so forth. If you are already a fan of tiny house living, you will certainly consider the information this company has to offer a very reliable form of reference.

The company also operates a very active blog, which will be a godsend for anyone in need of a reliable forum to learn about tiny house living. In this blog, you will find advice about the minimalist tiny house living, workshops, and handy tips about this kind of life from people who have already dedicated themselves to tiny house living.


Few tiny house companies are as serious as helping devotees of this lifestyle make the best of what it has to offer as Tiny-Project house company is. This company offers a wealth of information to anyone looking to set up or improve on their existing tiny house. The company even offers professionally designed plans and expert advice on what it takes to build a tiny house and keep it running smoothly. Those who are on the lookout for the latest developments in the field, or just looking to keep up with the latest developments in the field also have something to gain from Tiny-Project house company. Its products are especially useful for those setting up a tiny house for the very first time – they are very comprehensive and easy to use!

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